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EDI Support Service (EDISS) offers a variety of training opportunities to our Trading Partner Community. Workshops are live events held monthly with varying topics, and Online Tutorials are
self-paced learning modules on several different EDI functions.

PC-ACE Billing Guides

Billing Iowa Medicaid Secondary Payer (MSP) Claims

MediPASS/Lock-in Claims


EDI Terminology


Password Criteria

Passwords for all EDISS system including, but not limited to, EDISS Connect, SSPR, and the new EDISS Gateway shall follow the following password criteria:

  • At least eight (8) characters, maximum of sixteen (16)
  • At least one upper-case letter
  • At least one lower-case letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character ($, #, *, -, or _ ). Do not use '&' or '+'
  • The use of dictionary names or words as passwords is prohibited
  • The same password cannot be reused for six (6) generations
  • Maximum Sequential Repeat: 2 (e.g LL or GG or 00 is the max of repeats of a character allowed)
  • Maximum Characters from Previous Password: 4

Passwords for the EDISS Gateway can be managed through the appropriate SSPR website:


Special Character Usage

Special Characters used both in file data and appearing as delimiters in EDISS response reports will cause file processing failure. Other Special Characters used in file names will also cause issues.

The following Special Characters within the data cause report files to not generate. If you are missing report files, please review the data for these Special Characters.

~ Tilde
` Backtick
  Extra spaces at the end of elements
" Quotation mark


NOTE: An apostrophe ( ' ) must NOT be used in CLM01.

Submitters must NOT use the following Special Characters in naming their EDI files:

* Asterisk
^ Carat
: Colon
~ Tilde
` Backtick
' Apostrophe


Submitters can use the following valid Special Characters in file names:

- Dash
_ Underscore
. Period
| Pipe

NOTE: Do NOT exceed 40 characters in file names.