Part B Noridian Custom Edits (NCE)
Please note: Beginning 8/25/2024, Noridian is no longer applying Noridian Custom Edits (NCE) on 277CA reporting. These edits will not be in use for claims processed 8/25/2024 and after.
To decrease the provider burden associated with claim-related administrative costs, Noridian is integrating Noridian Custom Edits (NCE) into our EDI gateway for electronic claims processing. NCE enhance claims editing for both providers and payers and integrate with existing claims acknowledgement reporting (277CA) on 837 electronic claim submissions.
NCE allow Noridian to:
- Help identify problematic or "certain to deny" claims prior to Noridian claims processing
- Alert providers of errors and potential claim processing issues around medical necessity, non-covered services, missing modifiers, and other clinical editing
- Deliver timely and clear notifications of how to fix claim errors
- Save administrative time tied to claim resubmissions
- Improve transparency of claim editing and claims processing
- Provide information or reminders on claim submissions
NCE populate in the STC elements of the 277CA with distinct code sets that can be cross referenced to the NCE table below.
STC A3:23:41 will display rejection messages.
STC A2:20:41 will display informational messages which do not cause the claim to reject.
Note: Claims rejected by NCE editing are not sent through the claims processing system. If you are seeking a denial, remittance advice, or do not wish to make any corrections, simply resubmit the claim.
Note: For diagnosis related NCE editing, please ensure the appropriate Diagnosis Code Reference Number required for payment is appended to the service line. For example, if you submit a claim for an influenza virus vaccination, use the Diagnosis Code Reference Number for Z23 in the 2400 loop SV107 segment for the line item.
This content is no longer available. Please see Noridian Custom Edits (NCE) Disabled 8/24/2024 - EDI Support Services