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Production Alerts

Title Submitters Affected Description
EDISS Maintenance - Resolved 09/08/2024 For All Submitters EDISS has extended the maintenance window for Sunday, 9/8/2024.
277CA Delivery Delay - Resolved 09/04/2024 For All Submitters Medicare 277CA delay for JF on 9/4/24.
Noridian Medicare Portal Issue - Resolved 08/21/2024 For All Submitters Noridian is aware that there is an issue with Batch Claim Submission in the Noridian Medicare Portal. We are working on it and apologize for the inconvenience.

Production Alert Archives


What's New

Enrolling and Testing for 837D Dental Claims (6/28/2024)

Effective May 31, 2024, Medicare Providers/Submitters may:

  • Enroll for the 837D transaction in EDISS Connect
  • Send test 837D transactions
    • A minimum of 5 claims are required for dental testing. These test claims must be clean without errors before production status will be granted.
    • For additional information on the testing process visit, select your state and the Registration tab.
    • To assist providers with their testing process, there is a Dental Companion Guide available at, select your state and the Vendors tab

For assistance with the 999 and 277CA reports, visit, select your state, Reports and the 837D 999 and 277CA Edit Documentation.


The Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems do not currently support inquiries related to 837D dental claim status. Claim status and Remittance Advice related questions, should be directed to the Part B Provider Contact Center for your respective state.


For more information regarding the Medicare dental coverage, visit


Registration and Acceptance for 837D Claims (6/14/2024)

EDISS Connect Medicare submitters can now begin enrolling for Dental 837D transactions within their Connect account. Submitters can enroll and complete the testing process at this time only, live production claims processing will begin at a later date. For additional information on the testing process visit, select your state and the Registration tab.

To assist providers with their testing process, there is a Dental Companion Guide and an 837D Edit spreadsheet available at


Change Healthcare Update - Claim Submission is Live! (3/29/2024)

Optum, the parent company for Change Healthcare, has worked with Noridian to transition providers enrolled in Change Healthcare connections to the Optum iEDI Clearinghouse. The transition at this time is for claim submission only, however work continues on determining a plan for electronic remittance advices. Noridian will maintain dual enrollment for claims to ensure an easy transition as the Change Healthcare platforms come online. Partners and providers do not need to take any action. This transition is ongoing and Optum will publish additional updates as they are available. For additional information, visit: Optum Solutions Status


Using the Gateway SSPR for Password Resets
For All Submitters

EDI Support Services (EDISS) requires all submitters to use the Gateway Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) website to gain access to their account when their password has been forgotten or has expired.


The "Forgot password?" option uses the security questions and answers that were created during registration. EDISS recommends Gateway users store their security questions and answers in a safe and secure location where they can be accessed for future use.


To access the Gateway SSPR,


For help using this feature,





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Scheduled Maintenance Downtime
for HIPAA Production Line