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Getting Started


Online Registration

EDISS 'Connect' is a user-friendly online registration tool that allows providers to update basic facility information, manage billing NPIs, update lines of business, add or change vendor associations, and select electronic transactions online.

The use of Connect is required for all providers. Begin your online enrollment today by clicking on the following link: EDISS 'Connect'.


Getting Started Checklist

For providers, the initial registration process requires a billing NPI to be entered to establish the account. Additional billing NPI's may be added after the account has been created.

The following information is needed for registration:

  • NPI
  • TIN
  • Contact/demographic information
  • Vendor Submitter ID (If a clearinghouse or billing service will be utilized)


Connect User Guides


Provider Connect Tutorials


Vendor Connect Tutorials


Testing for Iowa Medicaid

EDISS utilizes EDISS Connect for Iowa Medicaid Testing. To test for the Iowa Medicaid line of business, follow the steps below:

  • Complete the registration process on the EDISS Connect website.
  • Prior to submitting a test file, please allow 3-5 business days for the Submitter ID to be assigned to the NPI. The Submitter ID will be located in the Connect account for the NPI.
  • Submit your test file. Please ensure there is a 'T' indicator in the ISA15 and send at least 10 test claims in the file.
  • Once you have submitted your test file, you will receive a 277CA.
    • If accepted, EDISS will confirm the accepted 277CA and ensure your 837 transaction is approved in EDISS Connect.
    • If rejected, the 277CA will provide details of what the rejection is for so you can correct and resubmit. If assistance with the rejection is needed, you can call EDISS.
  • Allow 72 hours for test file reviews.


WebPortal Additional Access

  • Web Portal Additional Access allows individual users to access the IME Web Portal on behalf of a provider.
    • This access will allow each individual user to perform real-time eligibility, claim status, and prior authorization requests.
    • This access does not grant the user access to submit batch transactions as all batch transactions must be performed by the provider-level account.
  • Web Portal Additional Access users are created and approved by the provider within their EDISS Connect account.
  • Once created and approved, each Web Portal Additional Access user will be receiving a fax containing their individual login information.


ACA Operating Rules